Asbestos Surveys
Our qualified and experienced teams in London, Kent, Essex and Sussex undertake asbestos surveys & inspections in all types of premises including domestic, commercial and industrial buildings.
Our qualified and experienced teams in London, Kent, Essex and Sussex undertake asbestos surveys & inspections in all types of premises including domestic, commercial and industrial buildings.
All asbestos surveys are undertaken in accordance with the British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS)’s P402 Building Surveys and Bulk Sampling qualification.
Read about the advanced technology used behind the scenes of asbestos surveying using TEAMS.
Asbestos Management Surveys |
Asbestos Re-inspection Surveys |
Refurbishment and Demolition Surveys |
Locates the presence of any suspect ACMs that could be damaged or disturbed | Have you already had an asbestos management survey and ACM or suspected ACM has been identified? | Do you have any refurbishment or demolition work due to be carried out? |
Includes an assessment of the condition of the ACMs and their ability to release fibres into the air if disturbed | Continual monitoring post asbestos survey is required at regular intervals to check that it has not deteriorated or caused damage | Locates and describes all ACMs in the area where the refurbishment work or demolition will take place |
Gives a good initial guide to the management of ACMs | As a minimum, ACMs should be checked every six to twelve months. | There is a specific requirement in CAR 2012 (regulation 7) for all ACMs to be removed before major refurbishment or final demolition |
Involves sampling and analysis to confirm the presence or absence of ACM |
For more detailed information regarding each asbestos survey, please read below.
You can also speak to one of our asbestos specialists on 01622 919012 or request a free quote
Its purpose is to locate, as far as reasonably practicable, the presence and extent of any suspect ACMs in the building which could be damaged or disturbed during normal occupancy, including foreseeable maintenance and installation, and to assess their condition.
Management surveys will often involve minor intrusive work and some disturbance. The extent of intrusion will vary between premises and depend on what is reasonably practicable for individual properties, i.e. it will depend on factors such as the type of building, the nature of construction, accessibility etc. A management survey should include an assessment of the condition of the various ACMs and their ability to release fibres into the air if they are disturbed in some way. This material assessment will give a good initial guide to the priority for managing ACMs, as it will identify the materials, which will most readily release airborne fibres if they are disturbed.
The survey will usually involve sampling and analysis to confirm the presence or absence of ACMs. However a management survey can also involve presuming the presence or absence of asbestos. A management survey can be completed using a combination of sampling ACMs and presuming ACMs or, indeed, just presuming. Any materials presumed to contain asbestos must also have their condition assessed (i.e. a material assessment).
If you have already had Asbestos Surveys conducted you should have key information available such as a Material Hazard Assessment, which provides a basic indication of how liable an asbestos-containing material (ACM) is to release airborne fibre. It is then up to the duty holder to determine the specific risk that each ACM poses based on the level of occupation in the area where it was found, and then to produce an Asbestos Management Plan
As part of the on going management of asbestos containing materials (ACMs), continual monitoring post asbestos survey is required at regular intervals. Any ACM identified or suspected ACM will need to be inspected periodically to check that it has not deteriorated or sustained damaged. As a minimum, ACMs should be checked every six to twelve months.
Our survey reports are comprehensive and include a register of ACMS, site plans photos and analyst reports. Clients of KD Asbestos can have the opportunity to use our web portal this ensures easy access to all of their Asbestos documentation.
(REF HSG 264 Regulations)
A refurbishment and demolition survey is needed before any refurbishment or demolition work is carried out. This type of survey is used to locate and describe, as far as reasonably practicable, all ACMs in the area where the refurbishment work will take place or in the whole building if demolition is planned. The survey will be fully intrusive and involve destructive inspection, as necessary, to gain access to all areas, including those that may be difficult to reach. A refurbishment and demolition survey may also be required in other circumstances, e.g. when more intrusive maintenance and repair work will be carried out or for plant removal or dismantling.
There is a specific requirement in CAR 2012 (regulation 7) for all ACMs to be removed as far as reasonably practicable before major refurbishment or final demolition. Removing ACMs is also appropriate in other smaller refurbishment situations, which involve structural or layout changes to buildings (e.g. removal of partitions, walls, units etc). Under CDM, the survey information should be used to help in the tendering process for removal of ACMs from the building before work starts. The survey report should be supplied by the client to designers and contractors who may be bidding for the work, so that the asbestos risks can be addressed. In this type of survey, where the asbestos is identified so that it can be removed (rather than to ‘manage’ it), the survey does not normally assess the condition of the asbestos, other than to indicate areas of damage or where additional asbestos debris may be present. However, where the asbestos removal may not take place for some time, the ACMs’ condition will need to be assessed and the materials managed.
Contact us for all your asbestos survey needs, wherever you're based in London or the home counties.
We have the capability to provide a high quality and efficient service, to locate and identify any suspect hazardous materials. Our service is fast and efficient, backed up by extremely competitive rates. So speak to KD Asbestos first!